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What New Year? It’s still raining!


This is certainly a phrase that was said at least once on New Year’s Day. I know this because it was said in the household I live in, three times alone. As I write this though, the sky is blue with white clouds and the sunshine is peaking it’s way through.

So it can’t be all bad can it?

Of course not!

When a New Year begins I think we are less aware of the phrase “It is what you make it” and rather like to see at as well it’s just another day.

One is lucky enough to say that I began 2014 on a much more positive note, than I thought I would.

It began with a new addition of work, feeling confident, spending a good few hours playing Electronic Monopoly and Jenga till we counted down to 2014.

London’s ridiculously expensive (paid for with tax money probably) firework display at Westminster, was by far the best of the year and did a great job lighting up the sky. It made me smile more than anything and smiling is always a bonus.

We all know the New Year begins with so many of us, if not all of us making a New Year’s Resolution. “I want to lose weight”, “I’m going to give up drinking”, “I’ll cycle more instead of driving” and of course the list goes on..

Unfortunately, I’ve already witnessed a broken resolution as they decided to start smoking again only three days after ‘quitting’. Their reason, I quote – “It’s so hard”, well here’s a little wake-up call for whoever they were and the rest of you wanting to break your resolution, life is hard and we have to live it.

We live in a world where society wants to you to be a size zero, if you’re a woman and tall, dark, handsome and of course six-packed abs if you’re a man. I mean, really?

For those of us (I’m not at my target yet) who are like that, how on earth do you think we got there? Because I assure you it’s hard, so hard that you’ll feel sick, cry and scream but you won’t give up, giving up is not an option!

So when you go into the supermarket and walk down the alcohol aisle without realising, that doesn’t mean you pick up a bottle of wine or a pack of beers. Yes it is extremely hard giving up substances such as alcohol, tobacco and even junk food- because they ‘make us feel better’ for five minutes – a few hours. They also change our behaviour, clog up our arteries, make us feel sick, damage our lungs, make us age quicker, give us wrinkles on the faces we want to stay ‘perfect’, make our bodies uncomfortable to live in, shall I go on?

No?! One thought as much, so if you’ve made a New Year’s Resolution and you truly want it, you will not give up! You will not resist the temptation and most of all you will be so proud of yourself for the determination and results you showed. If you haven’t make one now and stick to it, you CAN do it and you WILL.

Drop me an email on your resolutions or ones you may have broke or kept and I’ll pick the best ones for next week.

Remember that whether the weather changes or not, if you don’t make or allow changes then nothing can ever be new…

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