The European Respiratory Society (ERS), accommodated thousands of medical doctors and health specialists all over from the globe at the ExCel London International Congress Centre for the ERS European Congress.
The European Respiratory Society (ERS), accommodated thousands of medical doctors and health specialists all over from the globe at the ExCel London International Congress Centre for the ERS European Congress.
Aiming to mainly tackle pulmonology-oriented (chest diseases) cases, also had approx. 400 Turkish GPs attendance. Many international health organisations came up with their stalls on presenting and discussing their latest discoveries and case studies to be shared with media. Turkish Toraks Organisation, welcomed the guests and briefed them on regarding Turkish case studies and comments upon the current Turkish pulmonology agenda. Visiting the stall, was Turkish Embassy Trade Counsellor S. Aytuğ. Turkish Toraks Organsation president Professor Ali Fuat Kalyoncu also briefed the guests on regarding the latest studies and ex-changing ideas with the Turkish community living in London.
Professor Kalyoncu, on the congress, said: “We are ultimately proud of the result of this congress due to the high level of interest and support. Only from Turkey, we’ve had 22 GP forum moderators and 10 GP speakers at the congresses. We also provided 192 assertion papers which took place in the scientific programme which has been a shiny success as Turkey remained 2nd in the assertion-suppliers chart at the congress.