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Boy Hurt In Alleged Racist Attack By Older Children In Bristol

Police say they are treating the incident as racially motivated “due to words used by the offenders” during the attack.

Boy Hurt In Alleged Racist Attack By Older Children In Bristol



Police say they are treating the incident as racially motivated “due to words used by the offenders” during the attack.

A 10-year-old boy had to be taken to hospital after an alleged racist attack by two older children.

Police said the youngster was taken to a building site in the Station Avenue South area of Fishponds in Bristol, where he was assaulted by two other boys.

They are treating the incident, which happened at about 5.30pm on Monday, as racially motivated “due to words used by the offenders” during the attack.

The victim was found by a woman who took him back to her home.

He was later taken to Bristol Children’s Hospital with injuries to his face and body, and has since been discharged.

Avon and Somerset Police officers have spoken to two boys, aged 11 and 12, and are making arrangements for them to be formally interviewed.

Detective Inspector Steve Cartlidge said they would also be video-interviewing the victim to gain a full picture of what happened.

“Any form of hate crime will be thoroughly investigated and we will be supporting the victim’s family and keeping them fully informed of our progress,” he said.

“We’d like to thank the local community for the help they’ve already provided to us, as well as the woman who came to the victim’s aid following the assault.

“If anyone has information about this incident, or if you were in the Station Avenue South area of Fishponds at the time it happened, please call us as soon as possible.”

Anyone with information about the incident should call police on 101. (Sky News)


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