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Beware of Obesity in Children

Dr. Erdinç Havutçu spoke to Londra Gazete about one of the modern world’s biggest issues; child obesity.

Beware of Obesity in Children


Dr. Erdinç Havutçu spoke to Londra Gazete about one of the modern world’s biggest issues; child obesity.

There are hundreds of children and young people which are considered critically obese. This has become one of our generation’s greatest problems.

Dr Erdinç Havutçu explained in an interview that 1 in every 4 children are considered obese and are struggling with daily life. It is crucial, therefore, that there should be specific measures taken to halt obesity at a young age. Each year the number of people suffering with obesity will rapidly rise. Dr. Havutçu has said that by 2050 50% of the population will be classed as obese. He has also informed us that a serious consequence of the rise of obesity in children is the higher rates of diabetes.


Children who are lazy and frequently eat Fast Food to meet their daily nutritional needs are likely to become obese because these are the behaviours needed for it to develop. Obesity also increases the risk of death. Dr. Erdinç Havutçu emphasised the need for parents to lessen, or stop completely, their children’s intake of sweet foods. Dr. Havutçu stressed that the amount of sugar consumed needs to be taken into consideration. He noted that 100ml of a soft drink has 10g of sugar, this is the same as 2 teaspoons of sugar, and the exclusion of this amount of sugar can make a lot of difference to a person’s diet.

Obesity can also cause nasal problems, snoring and heart murmurs which can lead to heart attacks, confirms family and female health doctor Erdinç Havutçu. Operations can be performed to halt significant weight gain, however, these are strenuous and dangerous for the patient.  You can fight obesity by doing sports and keeping active and providing children with a healthy diet; one of the best things to do is spend time in parks and gardens. Dr. Erdinç Havutçu said that taking phones out of children’s hands and confiscating them is not possible, however, restricting their use is.


Overweight boys also struggle when it is their time to be circumcised. Dr. Erdinç Havutçu explained that when a child is obese their genital area is most likely to be covered by body fat which makes it harder during the process of removing the foreskin, therefore, it is important for families to be aware of this issue. If you would like more information please contact Dr. Erdinç Havutçu’s clinic at 551a Green Lanes, Palmers Green, N13 4DR or call 020 8882 2582.


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