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Andy Love meets Talat in Cyprus

British MP, who counts many Turkish Cypriots among his constituents, holds talks with former president

Andy Love meets Talat in Cyprus

EDMONTON MP Andy Love was in Cyprus last week to meet members of the Turkish and Greek Cypriot communities.

During his visit to the island, the North London MP met businesspeople, trade unionists, politicians and locals. He also met the former president of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Mehmet Ali Talat.

Andy Love MP said: “While in Cyprus I heard of the tremendous work the Committee on Missing Persons is doing in exhuming and then identifying the remains of those Greek and Turkish Cypriots missing since the conflicts of the 60s and 70s.

“Yet this work is currently being put at risk because of funding challenges and other difficulties. Britain can and should help and we will be taking this up at the highest level to ensure that the vital work of the Committee is maintained.

“Bi-communal initiatives are vital in building relationships between both communities and I’m proud of the role Britain plays. However, I feel that we can do more to engage with Greek and Turkish Cypriots to show that we are committed to a long-term and sustainable settlement.”

Both sides are currently waiting on a date for new talks and Mr Love discussed the possibility of successful talks and referendums along with the vested interests of the US, EU, the British, Turkey and the Cypriot communities in an early settlement.


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