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Lincolnshire killing: Three members of family killed

Three members of a family have been killed in a shooting near a swimming pool in Lincolnshire.

Lincolnshire killing: Three members of family killed



Three members of a family have been killed in a shooting near a swimming pool in Lincolnshire.

According to BBC news, Lance Hart, 57, his wife Claire Hart, 50, and their daughter Charlotte Hart, 19, were killed in the shooting in Spalding.

Lincolnshire Police had earlier said the suspected gunman was among the dead and said they were not looking for anyone else over the incident.

Police said they believed a shotgun was used.

The shooting happened near the Castle Swimming Pool in Pinchbeck Road at about 09:00 BST.

Police also searched a house in the village of Moulton, five miles (8km) from the centre of Spalding.

Speaking on BBC Radio Lincolnshire, the leader of South Holland District Council said he had been told it was believed to be a “domestic incident”.

“This looks by all accounts to be a very tragic family incident”, Councillor Gary Porter said.


East Midlands Ambulance Service said paramedics were told to approach the scene with caution and fought to save the three people, who had gunshot wounds. District councillor Gary Taylor, who represents Spalding Castle ward, said: “It’s terrible news and local people are very shocked. It’s a very quiet place, gun crime does not exist in this area at all.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted: “Shocking events in Spalding, Lincolnshire. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.”

Friends of the pair said they believed Lance had been had been struggling to move on with his life following the breakdown of the marriage, but they were still deeply shocked by the incident. One of the family’s neighbours said: “He seemed a happy nice man. He had done a lot of work on the house himself, but it had recently gone on the market and had been sold.” Charlotte was studying at Northampton University and had a boyfriend, who she had recently been on holiday with.

Her two older brothers, Luke 26, and Ryan, 25, both work in the oil industry and were understood to be travelling back to the UK from overseas after being given the devastating news. Another neighbour said: “They were a lovely family I’m honestly shocked. Lance couldn’t do enough for you. He helped me with DIY in my house, did his all up from scratch. Police officers have spent the day at a property in Hatt Close, Moulton, which is a short distance from the scene of the shooting and is thought to be where the victims lived.


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