Democratic Force Union (DGB), held a demonstration after the events unfolded through the coup attempt in Turkey.
Democratic Force Union (DGB), held a demonstration after the events unfolded through the coup attempt in Turkey.
The demonstration that took place by the London Manor House tube station, with first a minute of silence for the martyrs from the coup attempt. Then getting on with the press release, a spokeswoman stated “Revolution martyrs are immortal – we accept no AKP reign or military coups. We believe the coup attempt that happened on 15 July 2016 is used by AKP government as a tool and opportunity to block ways of democracy. Throughout Turkey’s coup history, the most harassed and damaged communities has always been Kurdish, Alevi, labourers and socialists. As AKP was born from the ashes of the 12 September coup, it is nothing but making fun of the society when AKP tries to declare themselves as the keepers of democracy. The media and government units have been taken over and turned into AKP propaganda tools. We won’t let AKP to declare a presidency system over the recent coup events”.
After the press release, the crowd listened to the local Dem Radio broadcast which had a live studio set on the fields. Some participants were interviewed by the radio programmers as well.