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“Love for the Prophet” Exhibition in London

An exhibition named “Hilye-i Şerif” took place in London dedicated to the celebrations of “Holy Birth Week”.

“Love for the Prophet” Exhibition in London


An exhibition named “Hilye-i Şerif” took place in London dedicated to the celebrations of “Holy Birth Week”.

The event that celebrates Muhammad the Prophet’s 1443th birthday, known as a compilation of artworks that state the Prophet’s character. The event which was supported by London Turkish Embassy’s Tourism and Presentation Department, was accommodated in Oxo tower based in Southbank, central London. Many distinguished guests like Turkish London ambassador Abdurrahman Bilgiç, Northern Cyprus Representative Oya Tuncalı, Islam Culture and Arts General Secretary Abdulkadir Özkan did attend to the exhibition’s special premiere.

Mr Bilgiç, in his speech, stated that having such an important exhibition in central London serves the city’s diverse cultural treasure. Mehmet Çebi, about his collection, also stated that the artworks are delicately picked, modern and ultimately valuable pieces. Çebi also remarked that the artworks are not only coming from Turkish cultural backgrounds, but include Iranıan, Egyptian and Syrian backgrounds.

The exhibition can be seen at the Oxo Tower until the 17th of April for free between 10 AM until 5.30 PM.


What is Hilye-i Şerif?

Hilye-i Şerif is a compilation of artworks that define Muhammad the Prophet’s nice moral, gestures and character. Muslim artists, back in the days, had preferred to make artworks on the Prophet not by drawing him, but leaving statements regarding his character. In time these artworks led to the stream of Hilye-i Şerif.

An exhibition named “Hilye-i Şerif” took place in London dedicated to the celebrations of “Holy Birth Week”.

The event that celebrates Muhammad the Prophet’s 1443th birthday, known as a compilation of artworks that state the Prophet’s character. The event which was supported by London Turkish Embassy’s Tourism and Presentation Department, was accommodated in Oxo tower based in Southbank, central London. Many distinguished guests like Turkish London ambassador Abdurrahman Bilgiç, Northern Cyprus Representative Oya Tuncalı, Islam Culture and Arts General Secretary Abdulkadir Özkan did attend to the exhibition’s special premiere.

Mr Bilgiç, in his speech, stated that having such an important exhibition in central London serves the city’s diverse cultural treasure. Mehmet Çebi, about his collection, also stated that the artworks are delicately picked, modern and ultimately valuable pieces. Çebi also remarked that the artworks are not only coming from Turkish cultural backgrounds, but include Iranıan, Egyptian and Syrian backgrounds.

The exhibition can be seen at the Oxo Tower until the 17th of April for free between 10 AM until 5.30 PM.


What is Hilye-i Şerif?

Hilye-i Şerif is a compilation of artworks that define Muhammad the Prophet’s nice moral, gestures and character. Muslim artists, back in the days, had preferred to make artworks on the Prophet not by drawing him, but leaving statements regarding his character. In time these artworks led to the stream of Hilye-i Şerif.


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