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JJ Food Service in this year’s Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100

A Turkish Cypriot owned family business has been ranked among Britain’s private companies with the fastest-growing profits

JJ Food Service in this year’s Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100



A Turkish Cypriot owned family business has been ranked among Britain’s private companies with the fastest-growing profits.

Headquartered in Enfield, JJ Food Service (JJ), a national food and catering wholesaler, appears at number 70 in the annual Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100 league table, to be published tomorrow. The rankings are based on performance over the past three years.

Stuart Lisle, a partner at BDO, the title sponsor of the league table, said: “Medium-sized businesses across the UK are thriving, creating one in four jobs and responsible for one third of the country’s total revenue.” The full list will be published by the Sunday Times as a six-page broadsheet supplement within its business section on April 10. The companies will also be listed on

About JJ Food Service

The company was formed in 1988 by Mustafa Kiamil, then a restaurateur who spotted a gap in the market for North London eateries like his who needed a more efficient food and drink supplier. His competitively-priced products and quality service ensured JJ became a big hit with customers. Indeed the demand far-exceeded North London prompting the business to expand beyond its Enfield base.

In 2014, JJ won The Grocer Gold Medal Wholesaler of the Year Award, beating a host of other major foodservice companies including Booker and Bidvest 3663. In the same year, the business was included in the Sunday Times Top Track 250 as one of the UK`s fastest growing SMEs.


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