Day-Mer Women’s Committee celebrated 8 March World Women’s Day with big enthusiasm.
Day-Mer Women’s Committee celebrated 8 March World Women’s Day with big enthusiasm.
Turkish-Kurdish Community Support Centre (Day-Mer) got together at the Community Centre located in North London’s Bruce Grove region. The event had been delicately organised from days ago by accommodating Day-Mer Women’s Choir along with theatre and traditional plays.
The event which welcomed nearly 200 participants from different backgrounds, started with the speech of the president of the Women’s Commission, Güngor Kuş. Ms Kuş tackled the contemporary obstacles that women face in their daily routines and pointed out to the discriminative approaches that women witness in their lives. After the opening speech, Day-Mer Women’s choir stepped in and performed solo and group numbers. After the performance, Maz Saleem, who had her father murdered in a Neo-Nazi attack in Birmingham in 2013, highlighted the severe racism examples driven from her own experience. Women’s Theatre Union then performed plays tackling unity and collaboration.
After the play, Rose Bernstein, who is the coordinator of the 15 March 2015 Refugees Welcome Here demonstration made a speech about refugees’ current troubles and how hard it is for them to maintain a life when there are obstacles thrown away on their ways. The event carried on with dance plays directed by Ali Demir, with traditional dance pieces. The finalising play had many applauses and cheering from the audience.
Moreover, Day-Mer’s weekly Sunday 11.30am breakfast sessions will welcome Sabira Cengiz this week answering questions about cancer.