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Oya Tuncalı’s New Year message

Oya Tuncalı’s New Year message
Oya Tuncalı

Oya Tuncalı

Message to Britain’s Turkish Cypriots from the representative of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in London

In these days of excitement as we bid farewell to 2013 and greet 2014 with new hope and expectations, I would like to express my deepest best wishes for the new year to all our citizens living in Britain.

Every New Year gives us an opportunity to look to the future with hope. It is important that we make the most of this opportunity. To achieve our communal and personal expectations we must take stock of the past year and make plans for the year to come. We must use our energy and time productively if we are to attain positive results.

You play a great role in our long-standing relations with Britain, a guarantor nation for Cyprus. You are the dynamic members of the Turkish Cypriot community in Britain, a community that has achieved greater things in social and political life.

2012 and 2013 have been busy years for us. It has been pleasing to see the cultural, social and artistic activities undertaken by our community during national and religious festivals. They demonstrate a powerful sense of dynamism and solidarity, and I believe they will continue in the upcoming year.

Our Representative’s Office is by your side and always at your service. All our officers will continue to fulfil their function of serving as a bridge between you and our country. We will continue to express our country’s interests and support with compassion and understanding in 2014.

I hope that 2014 is a year of solidarity, and a successful one for our country and the Turkish Cypriot community in Britain.

On behalf of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus London Representative Office, its workers and my family, I wish you all a year of health and happiness and greet you all with love and respect.


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