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90 Tories rebel against new immigrants

90 Tories rebel against new immigrants

Conservative politicians have demanded Prime Minister David Cameron to toughen up his stance against the Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants in the coming year.

The restrictions on the Romanian and Bulgarian’s freedom to travel are to be lifted in 2014. 90 senior figures of the Conservative factions, alongside Conservative organizations have sent a letter to PM Cameron, calling him to postpone the lifting of these restrictions.

The conservatives have highlighted a law in the EU regulations that allow a country to limit the freedom of travel of a certain group, if the country is experiencing or expecting to experience labour market discomforts. The letter points to this law, and asks Mr. Cameron to extend the restrictions on freedom of movement until 2018. This law has been implemented in Spain in 2011, against Romanian immigrants.

With increased pressure from his own party, the decision of Mr. Cameron has become a matter of curiosity. Director of Conservative Grassroots James Joshua said approximately 300 thousand Romanian and Bulgarian refugees are expected to enter the UK in January. He added that in an economic environment of high debt levels and high pressures on public services, the arrival of such a high number of immigrants could pose a further strain on the country.

Conservative MP Nigel Mills called on Mr. Cameron to not be afraid to express a tough stance against the Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants, and put this proposal to a vote.


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