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Regency Clinic: World renowned Services

A short drive from Harley street and you will discover a world class medical clinic and surgery, providing internationally accepted high standard of service – and a whole host of varying medical services, with a focus on ultra-sound: Regency International – registered with the Care Quality Commission.

Regency Clinic: World renowned Services



A short drive from Harley street and you will discover a world class medical clinic and surgery, providing internationally accepted high standard of service – and a whole host of varying medical services, with a focus on ultra-sound: Regency International – registered with the Care Quality Commission.

The first clinic to offer Fallopian Tube Catherisation – an alternative to IVF – in London and, in fact, the Middle-East and gulf regions, regency offers many services, some of them unique to the clinic.

There are wide range of uses of Ultra-sound that are offered by Regency, including: Echodiagram (ECG) – detecting heart abnormalities, examining kidney and prostate gland, detecting lumps breast and diagnosing muscle wear and tear – skeletal conditions, plus many more.

Ultra-sound is made available for both males and females, procedures designed for the specific need, want and comfort of the patient.

For couples with a baby on the way; Regency provides an outstanding service in Gender Baby sans, performed ideally 16 weeks in to pregnancy; Growth baby scans, measuring, intriguitly, the baby’s wellbeing, movements, foetal and placental position and fluid around baby’s body; and a dating scan to establish exact duration of pregnancy, estimate due date and position of the baby, heart beat and and a search for any cysts or fibroids.

The clinic, located on 72 Nile street, caters to, not only Londoners, but also patients from around the world, who choose Regency for its outstanding track record, customer service and flexibility to cater to the needs of the individual patient.

To contact regency: +44 207 490 0550 / 0505; website,;  Adress, 72 Nile Street, Opp. Moorfield Eye Hospital, London N1 7SR, United Kingdom


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