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MP concerns over ticket office closures: Alexandra Palace Station

MP for Hornsey and Wood Green, Catherine West, called for a meeting to discuss the closing of ticket offices at Alexandra Rail stations.

MP concerns over ticket office closures: Alexandra Palace Station


MP for Hornsey and Wood Green, Catherine West, called for a meeting to discuss the closing of ticket offices at Alexandra Rail stations.

The plan to close two ticket offices is to replace the offices with “station hosts”.

Instead, tickets are to be sold from handheld devices, as part of an overall approach in London that has been holding consistency the last few years, initiated initially by Mayor Boris Johnson’s policies.

MP.Ms West speaking to the Enfield Independent, said: “I’m very concerned that Govia Thameslink have announced plans to close the ticket offices at Alexandra Palace and Hornsey train stations.

“These plans are worrying because ticket offices are important, not just for selling tickets, but for helping customers and offering the safety and security of knowing a station is staffed – and where to find staff in the event of an emergency.

“They’re particularly important for elderly and disabled customers, who often rely more on ticket office staff for assistance.

Travelling customers are already paying a small fortune to use our trains.

“It’s essential they don’t suffer a worse service so that train companies can seek ever bigger profits.”

The train company plans to hold public consultations to get feedback on the proposals.

The consultations will be discussed with London TravelWatch and Transport Focus, before being put forward for approval from the Department for Transport.

 A spokesperson for Govia Thameslink Railway said: “We want to modernize the way we operate approximately 80 of our busier stations across Great Northern, Southern and Thameslink for the benefit of passengers, many of whom now buy their tickets online, or use Oyster, contactless and smartcards.”


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