Since the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus has been formed, Turkish Cypriot Citizens have put forward to select and be selected of constitutional rights in England.
Lawyer Osman Kasapoglu.
Since the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus has been formed, Turkish Cypriot Citizens have put forward to select and be selected of constitutional rights in England.
This request has not been accepted, as leaders in the TRNC feel this will lead to more disadvantages in terms of those living in North Cyprus.
As of 2006, lawyer Osman Kasapoglu and his friends have spent 9 years researching on this issue. Firstly analysed the constitution, then proved it was a right of basic law, they researched what other countries have done in regards to the issue, they brought together the Italian and Estonian examples deciding it would suit our political state best and presented to TRNC politicians.
In March 2015, they wanted the project to go further and handed it over to the British Unions Council for Turkish Cypriots. The Council has now formed the International Turkish Cypriot Rights Committee and to explain the prepared suggestion has held meetings to discuss suggested solutions. Two in England, Two in Australia (One in Melbourne and one in Sydney) and also in Istanbul, Turkey. The preparations are to continue on Tuesday 6 October, 2015 in the capital of Northern Cyprus, Lefkosa, with several Turkish Cypriot Citizen representatives from various world countries who now live abroad.
Following the conferences in England and Australia, it was decided that this issue should receive more support from wider areas. The committee has now been formed into a platform, in order to work on other issues concerning Turkish Cypriots who live in the TRNC and abroad.