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Super shop fronts show off Bowes Park’s hidden gem

Shop fronts in one of the borough’s most beautiful shopping streets have been restored to their former glory in a project led by Haringey Council and traders.

Super shop fronts show off Bowes Park’s hidden gem


Mustafa Camgöz, a professor at Imperial College, opened the Amber Care Centre's new front in Myddleton Road

Mustafa Camgöz, a professor at Imperial College, opened the Amber Care Centre’s new front in Myddleton Road

Shop fronts in one of the borough’s most beautiful shopping streets have been restored to their former glory in a project led by Haringey Council and traders.

The tired frontages of four ornate buildings in Myddleton Road, Bowes Park, have been stripped back and replaced to the stunning original designs after more than £210,000 funding from the council, Historic England and shopkeepers.

Fashion designers at 123 Myddleton Road, Andy’s Dry Cleaners at 124, the Pro Cancer Research Fund at 126 and The Hub at 128 are the first to see the colourful new shop fronts installed, with the We Love Myddleton Road group holding a celebration with traders to mark the completion of work.

The work is part of the council’s wider programme of shop front transformations, with independent businesses in north Tottenham also benefitting from stylish new designs developed by local architects.

Councillor Ali Demirci, Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “Myddleton Road is just one of Haringey’s high streets undergoing a revival and these super new shop fronts really show off the incredible architecture of the area.

“We want to do everything we can to encourage local people to realise what great independent shops they have on their doorstep, and this project shows what is possible when traders, local people and the council work together.”

Other improvements to the buildings included new sash windows, repairs to roofs and brickwork and the restoration of historic features.

The start of the regular Myddleton Road Market and ‘cashmobs’ by the We Love Myddleton Road group has seen an upturn in the street’s fortunes in the past year, with traders reporting an increase in footfall.

The campaign group was set up by local residents and traders to highlight the fantastic range of independent businesses and facilities in the area and encourage more people to shop locally.


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