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ATMB visited new Turkish Consul General Korkut Tufan

ATMB visited new Turkish Consul General Korkut Tufan

The European Turkish Brands Association (ATMB) President Vehbi Keleş, with a delegation of board members, visited the newly appointed Turkish Consul General of London, Korkut Tufan.

ATMBBoard of Directors President Vehbi Keleş, Vice Presidents Murat Yurtseven, Işıl Reçber, former Turkish national goalkeeper Rüştü Reçber, Board Member M. Sadık Eviz, and Secretary General Mustafa Köker paid a “welcome” visit to Turkey’s new Consul General in London.

During the meeting held in a friendly atmosphere, Consul General Tufan reminded that it had been a month since he started his duty in London and noted that they would provide the best service to the Turkish Community in England and those who have business in the Consulate during his duty.

Tufan, who stated that his family had been living in London for a while and was not far from the city, reminded that the inadequacy of the consulate building was known. Tufan, who pointed out that Turkey’s London Ambassador Osman Koray Ertaş was also aware of the issue and closely interested in it, stated that he would make efforts to transition to a more functional consulate building during his term of office.

Keleş also provided information about the activities of the Union since its establishment in his speech. Stating that the London-based ATMB has left 10 years behind, explained that they are carrying out works aimed at branding Turkish companies in the United Kingdom countries, increasing their contribution to Turkey’s exports and ensuring that Turkish products are consumed more in this country.

Keleş, who emphasized that there are still business opportunities for Turkish business people to be more effective in the United Kingdom economy, emphasized that the ATMB management has a dynamic structure consisting of almost every sector.

Adding that they are in constant contact with the Turkish Embassy in London, the Consulate General and the Trade Counsellor, and that they are making efforts to further strengthen Turkish business life in this country.


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