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Murder investigation launched following fatal Tottenham shooting

Murder investigation launched following fatal Tottenham shooting

A murder investigation has been launched in Tottenham following the fatal shooting of a man in his 40s.

On Tuesday, 15 October police were called to Waltheof Gardens, N17 at 09:00hrs following reports of a shooting.

Officers attended alongside the London Ambulance Service and found a man with a gunshot injury.

Despite the best efforts of emergency services, he died at the scene. His next of kin has been informed.

At this stage, there have been no arrests and enquiries into the circumstances continue.

Detective Chief Superintendent Caroline Haines, in charge of policing for North Area which covers Haringey, said: “I am devastated by the tragic loss of life, and I recognise the concern that this incident will cause for local residents.

“I want to reassure you that we have a team of specialist officers already working diligently to establish the circumstances of this shooting.

“You may notice an increased police presence in the area as officers carry out vital enquiries. We would encourage you to speak to them with any concerns.

“If you have any information that you think may assist with our investigation, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. We want to hear from you, even if you feel like your information may be insignificant.”

A crime scene remains in place at the location while enquiries are carried out.

Anyone with information is asked to call 101 or ‘X’ @MetCC and quote CAD 1613/15OCT. You can upload information and material online.

You can also provide information anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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