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Three British aid workers were killed in Gaza airstrike, says charity

Three British aid workers were killed in Gaza airstrike, says charity

Three British aid workers were killed by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, charity World Central Kitchen (WCK) has said.

Nationals from Poland and Australia were also killed, as well as a dual citizen of the US and Canada – and a Palestinian who was driving the car they were all travelling in.

The volunteers were employed by WCK, a non-governmental organisation which provides food for displaced Palestinians.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has acknowledged that Israeli forces were responsible for the airstrike, saying there was a “tragic incident of an unintended strike of our forces on innocent people in the Gaza Strip”.

He added: “It happens in war, we check it to the end, we are in contact with the governments, and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again.”

His comments came after Lord Cameron said news of the airstrike on the WCK aid workers is “deeply distressing”.

Writing on the X social media platform, he added: “British Nationals are reported to have been killed, we are urgently working to verify this information and will provide full support to their families.

“These were people who were working to deliver life-saving aid to those who desperately need it.

“We have called on Israel to immediately investigate and provide a full, transparent explanation of what happened.”

The war in Gaza has led to at least 196 aid workers being killed before last night’s attack on the seven WCK workers, according to data from the Aid Worker Security Database.

Following Netanyahu acknowledgement he’s office says a new proposal for a Gaza truce and hostage release has been drafted and given to Hamas by negotiators in Cairo.

“As part of the talks, with the helpful mediation of Egypt, the mediators formulated an up-to-date proposal to be addressed by Hamas,” his office says in a statement.


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