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Turkish Cypriot Boxer Fatma Ahmet fights in charity match

Turkish Cypriot Boxer Fatma Ahmet fights in charity match


Turkish Cypriot boxer Fatma Ahmet Steps into the Ring in London to Raise Funds for Cancer Research UK

Ahmet, a graduate of the Architecture Faculty at Luton University of Bedfordshire, stepped into the ring at the Troxy Arena in London, under the category of “Ultra White Collar Boxing,” to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.

Facing her opponent Maya Hollick, known as Mardy Maya, Ahmet emerged victorious by knockout in the boxing match organized for the benefit of Cancer Research UK. Uğurcan Kaya, who coached and assisted Ahmet for eight weeks leading up to the match, also served as her coach.

In a statement made to KIBRIS, Ahmet, who fights under the nickname “Big Fatz” and was born in 1992, revealed that she is originally from Gazimağusa. She mentioned that she has been interested in boxing for a long time but decided to pursue the sport professionally only this year.

Ahmet participated in the boxing event to raise awareness about cancer and collect donations for Cancer Research UK, as part of a charity initiative. She expressed her motivation behind participating in this match, especially after learning about her brother’s cancer diagnosis. She aimed to encourage people to win their battles against cancer and saw her victory in the match as a symbolic win for her brother’s fight against cancer.

Ahmet shared that she underwent special preparations for the match to regulate her mental health, increase discipline, and boost motivation. She expressed gratitude to her coaches, especially Uğurcan Kaya, as well as her other coaches Bill Judd and Henry, for preparing her for the match. She also thanked the main sponsors of the boxing event, “Home Decor,” “House of Signs,” “Main Door Security,” and “Real Ryders,” as well as her family and friends for their support, emphasizing the importance of their support in making her feel stronger in the ring.

Ahmet’s coach, Uğurcan Kaya, described the success story and praised her performance in the match. He highlighted Ahmet’s determination, technical skills, and strong heart throughout the fight, emphasizing that her victory was a collective achievement for both of them as coach and boxer. He concluded by commending Ahmet’s excellent performance in the ring and their joint victory in the match.


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