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Turkey’s Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz held talks in the UK

Turkey’s Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz held talks in the UK

Cevdet Yılmaz, Vice President of the Republic of Turkey, met with UK Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden and Odile Renaud-Basso, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in London.

Yılmaz, in a post on his social media account, mentioned that they met with EBRD President Renaud-Basso and her delegation at the Turkish Embassy in London as part of his visits to the UK. He stated that during the meeting, they discussed EBRD’s investments in Turkey and potential collaborations, focusing on green finance, high-value-added exports, technology-focused sector investments, and EBRD support for women and youth.

Emphasizing that EBRD has provided more than 19 billion euros (642 billion Turkish liras) in financial support to private and public institutions in Turkey so far, Yılmaz thanked the EBRD delegation for their close solidarity after the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş in Turkey, hoping for the continuation of their collaboration.

Yılmaz also met with UK Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden. Following the meeting, Yılmaz stated that they discussed the evaluation of commercial and economic relations, as well as the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) they signed after Brexit. He mentioned that the negotiations are ongoing and progressing positively, covering political and regional issues.

Yılmaz also highlighted the significance of international direct investments, stating that the UK has investments exceeding 13 billion dollars in Turkey, and Turkish companies also have investments in the UK. He expressed the desire to increase these investments further, aiming for trade to exceed 20 billion dollars this year.

During his UK visit, Yılmaz also met with representatives of the Turkish community and business people. The Vice President concluded his meetings in the UK with discussions with representatives of the Turkish and Turkish Cypriot communities, further strengthening the ties between Turkey and the Turkish diaspora in the UK.


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