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Violinist Nihat Ağdaç joins the BBC Symphony Orchestra

Violinist Nihat Ağdaç joins the BBC Symphony Orchestra

Violin virtuoso Nihat Ağdaç, one of the notable musical talents from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, has transcended his musical journey onto the international stage, currently holding a full-time position in the prestigious BBC Symphony Orchestra based in London. Ağdaç, who defines music not only as a profession but also as a lifestyle, has successfully solidified his place in the world of music.

Nihat Ağdaç’s dedication to music began at the age of 5. His passion for music intensified during his education at Ankara Fine Arts Middle School, and after graduating with honors from Hacettepe University, he served in prominent orchestras in Turkey. However, his true story began with his education at the Royal Academy of Music and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London.

During this period, Nihat Ağdaç gained significant experiences in the Birmingham and London Symphony Orchestras. Participating in the European Union Youth Orchestra after Cyprus joined the EU, Ağdaç most recently served as the principal violinist in the Cyprus Presidential Symphony Orchestra.

For the last six months, Nihat Ağdaç has been actively serving in the BBC Symphony Orchestra in the United Kingdom, becoming the first full-time Cypriot musician in the orchestra. His dream of joining a professional orchestra since completing his master’s degree in London in 2019 finally came true after a challenging selection process, further complicated by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emphasizing his commitment to music, Ağdaç states, “I have invested in my professional life for years. I live because I make music, and I work to live. I truly live with music because I enjoy and feel it.” This passionate approach reveals that for him, music is not just a profession but a way of life.

Ağdaç’s commitment to music is not only reflected in his career successes but also in his observations and opinions about the Cyprus Presidential Symphony Orchestra (CSO) upon his return. He believes that the CSO is a valuable project but can be further developed with increased investment and a broader roster.

Ağdaç’s life story, filled with music, not only highlights his individual career but also illustrates his determination to represent the cultural richness and musical potential of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on the global stage. Serving in the BBC Symphony Orchestra full-time, Ağdaç considers this title not only a personal achievement but also a source of pride for his homeland. Expressing his views, he states, “The Presidential Symphony Orchestra is a good project, but it needs investment and expansion of the roster.”

With his deep love for music and international success, Nihat Ağdaç contributes significantly to the development of classical music in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Turkey. His future projects and goals paint a promising picture of continued dedication and success in the world of music.


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