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IAKMC to celebrate its 30th anniversary

IAKMC to celebrate its 30th anniversary

The England Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi (IAKMC) are marking their 30th year of establishment this year. As part of the anniversary events, a special event will be held on December 9, 2023, at the Dominion Centre in the Wood Green, north London. The night will highlight the notable achievements, stories, memories, and the emphasis on services and cultural enrichment carried out over the 30 years.

The event will be broadcast live through the EAKC Cemevi social media platforms. Ibrahim Has, the President of IAKMC said “As the England Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi, we celebrate the 30th year of our establishment with enthusiasm, pride, honour, and hope.”

Highlighting the significant role of the Cemevi in laying the initial foundations of Alevi institutionalization in London in 1993, Has emphasized that over the 30 years, the Cemevi has been a pioneer in providing services in the fields of Alevi belief, culture, art, and social areas. He stated, “As a result, our Cemevi is one of the institutions that proudly represents us in Britain, Europe, and the world.”

Additionally, the IAKMC, leveraging the expertise accumulated over 30 years of work, will organize numerous events throughout the year in the fields of culture, art, and literature, targeting women, youth, children, and adults.

The artistic direction of the meeting at Dominion Centre will be led by theatre actor and educator Necati Şahin, who completed his education in Germany.


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