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Further charges in Koray Alpergin murder investigation

Further charges in Koray Alpergin murder investigation

Detectives investigating the murder of 43-year-old Koray Alpergin who was found dead in Loughton in October have charged a number of people in connection with their investigation.

Koray Alpergin was found near to Oakwood Hill Industrial Estate in Loughton on the morning of 15 October 2022 by officers from Essex Police. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Following a number of enquiries the Met took primacy of the investigation.

Six people have been charged with murder and kidnap and are currently on trial at the Old Bailey (trial commenced on 18 September). They are: Ali Kavak, 26,  Junior Kettle, 32, Steffan Gordon, 34, Tejean Kennedy, 32, Samuel Owusu-Opoku, 35 and Kyrie Mitchell-Peart, 32.

Erdogan Ulcay, 56 has been charged with perverting the course of justice and is standing trial alongside those accused of murder

A 17-year-old boy was also charged with perverting the course of justice and pleaded guilty to this and awaits sentencing.

A ninth person has since been charged with murder, kidnap and false imprisonment.

Isay Stoyanov, 43 has been remanded in custody with a trial date set for 1 July 2024 at the Old Bailey.

Six other men, aged 29, 34, 28, 38 and 44, have also been arrested on suspicion of murder and remain on bail pending further enquiries.

A 55-year-old man, who was arrested on suspicion of murder, has been released without further action.


  1. MC says:

    So that’s 14-15 men Vs 1?
    Absolute cowards, may they rot in hell .I pray for Korey’s girlfriends healing and hope those who killed Korey are thrown about like dog toys in jail until they die