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Thousands celebrated the 6th Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival

Thousands celebrated the 6th Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival

THE Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival, which was held in London for the first time in 2017 and has been held online for the last two years due to the pandemic, took place in Donkey Lane in Enfield with great enthusiasm and with the participation of thousands of people this year.

The festival, held on Sunday, July 2, proudly embraced the roots and culture of the Turkish Cypriot Community, promising an unforgettable day full of famous artists and delicious traditional dishes, just like every year.

Organized under the main sponsorship of the Noyanlar Group of Companies, was supported by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus authorities with  TRNC President Ersin Tatar and TRNC Prime Minister Ünal Üstel also attending the festival.

The festival, organized by the British Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations (CTCA), celebrated the rich cultural heritage of the Turkish Cypriot community. The 6th Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival aimed to create unforgettable memories where our national, religious and cultural values meet with local and foreign guests, with the performances of Turkish schools, the participation of famous artists, delicious traditional food, handicrafts exhibition, and folklore shows. The festival featured many events featuring famous names.

Famous artists Işın Karaca, Eylem, Ali Babutsa, Gazi Set, Memze, Memories, Fadıl Topaloğlu and many more took the stage at the festival. In addition, as part of the Mid Summer Ball event, Dj Ramsey, Havva, Dj Eren, Tony Perry and many valuable Turkish and foreign DJs presented a unique musical feast to the youth.

Tatar, who thanked Kenan Nafi, the Chairman of the CTCA, and the festival committee for inviting him, said, “I am very happy to be together with you at this beautiful festival where our culture and traditions are revealed. When I visited the stands and chatted with you, I saw the love and excitement of different generations. I congratulate everyone who made this beautiful event in the capital of England.”

Making a speech at the festival, Prime Minister Üstel stated that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus always thinks in a citizen-oriented manner and addressed the Turkish Cypriots living abroad and said, “We are constantly working on what we can do in the TRNC for your convenience.”

Üstel expressed that they are happy to meet with Turkish Cypriot citizens living in London after a long time and said, “Your presence gives us strength.”

Prime Minister Üstel stated that they know well how difficult it is to live abroad and said, “We are working on how we can go to better days in the TRNC.” He also mentioned that he has projects for Turkish Cypriots living abroad.

Ustal concluded his words by saying, “Even though you are abroad, I would like to express my happiness to be together in such a meaningful event organized in order to preserve the unity and solidarity of our young people and to keep our young people away from their culture, and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the council officials.”




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