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Voting locations confirmed for second round of Turkey’s Presidential election race in UK

Voting locations confirmed for second round of Turkey’s Presidential election race in UK

TURKEY’S presidential election will go to a run-off after the two main candidates failed to clear the 50% threshold needed to avoid a second round.

With 99.4% of the domestic votes and 84% of the overseas votes counted, Recep Tayyip Erdogan had 49.4% of the votes and Kemal Kilicdaroglu had 45%.

A third candidate, nationalist politician Sinan Ogan, received 5.2%.

The run-off will be held on 28 May, and from 20-24 May for overseas voters the electoral chief Ahmet Yener said.

Speaking to supporters in Ankara, Mr Erdogan said he would respect the nation’s decision if the race went to a run-off.

He said: “If our nation has made its choice in favour of the second round of the election, then that is also welcome.

“We strongly believe that we will continue to serve our nation for the next five years.”

His rival Mr Kilicdaroglu thanked voters, noting particularly high participation among young people and women.

He added: “Despite all his slanders and insults, Erdogan did not get the result he expected.

“No one should look for a fait accompli. Elections are not won on balconies.

“The data is still coming in. If our nation says ‘a second round’, we welcome that.

“Our people should be certain that we will absolutely, absolutely win, and we will bring democracy to this country.”

UK Voting

Registered voters in the UK will be able to vote in 4 locations during the 20-24 May.

In London voting will take will be taking place from 20-24 May at Novotel London West, 1 Shortlands Hammersmith International Ctre, London W6 8DR  from 8 am to 10 pm.

In Manchester, voting will take place from 20-24 May at 14 Oxford Court, Manchester, M2 3WQ from 8 am to 10 pm.

In Leicester, voting will be for 2 days only, on 20 -21 May at the Leicester Tigers Rugby Club, Director’s Lounge, Mattioli Woods Welford Road Stadium, Aylestone Road, Leicester, LE2 7TR from 8 am to 10 pm.

In Edinburgh, voting will be held from 20-24 May at 39 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7SW from 8 am to 10 pm.


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