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Primary school students in London show solidarity to Turkey

Primary school students in London show solidarity to Turkey

LONDON’S St. Johns Church of England school students prepared 2,500 heart figures to show solidarity with Turkey after the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş and presented them to Osman Koray Ertaş, Turkey’s Ambassador to London. Students also collected donations which were given to the earthquake victims.

Students and teachers visited Ertaş, Turkey’s Ambassador to London. In order to show solidarity with those affected by the earthquake in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, presenting 2,500 heart figures, which they prepared from paper of different sizes, representing the distance of approximately 2,500 miles between their schools and Turkey.

It was seen that the English students drew the Turkish flag, and wrote the notes “we are with you”, “you are not alone”, “good luck” on the papers cut in the shape of hearts.

The delegation conveyed their best wishes to those affected by the earthquakes and expressed their condolences to those who lost their lives.

Ambassador Ertaş thanked St. John’s Church of England school students and teachers. Ertaş said, “You have shown a very good example of solidarity. Your generosity, sensitivity and especially the kindness of our children at this age impressed us all.” used the phrase.

Teacher Ian Newton, who took part in the delegation, thanked Ambassador Ertaş for hosting the students in his office. Newton said, “Students took their time. They cut and pasted papers from the heart and put them together. They gave up most of their own time and counted them one by one. Thank you for hosting. It’s nice to be able to meet you and explain why we’re doing this.”




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