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West London Turkish Volunteers Association organized an iftar program

West London Turkish Volunteers Association organized an iftar program

West London Turkish Volunteers organized an iftar program in Hounslow, London.

The West London Turkish Volunteers Association, which King Charles III visited after the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, has been holding iftar daily during the month of Ramadan.

Turkey’s Ambassador to London  Osman Koray Ertaş, Turkey’s Consul General in London Bekir Utku Atahan and London Embassy Religious Services Counselor Ensari Yenitürk as well as a number of people from the Turkish community living in London attended the iftar program.

Ambassador Ertaş, in his speech at the event, stated that with the iftar program organized by the association in a tent, the Ramadan atmosphere in Turkey was kept alive in London, and thanked those who contributed to the organization.

Saying “You have displayed very exemplary behaviour here. I was in Ankara when the king visited here. I watched the videos and photos here. There are squares left to remember over the years. This actually shows how well you represent our country, civilization and humanity. We say it all the time now. Diplomacy is now a multiplayer field. Not only do we diplomats do diplomacy, you do too. Our women, students and associations also do it, and you have shown a very good example. You have reached millions in Turkey and around the world from this tiny tent. These beauties within you will continue to spread to distant geographies.”

Halit Karakaya, who is in charge of the management of the West London Turkish Volunteers Association, explained that the association was established 7 years ago to serve as a centre for the Turkish community living in London. From organizing annual festivals to offering free iftar meals every day in Ramadan and collecting donations for those in need.


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