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DJ making sick jokes about Turkey live on air

DJ making sick jokes about Turkey live on air

Capital Radio DJ Ant Payne has apologised after making a joke about earthquake-hit Turkey while on air.

The DJ, who hosts the 4pm to 7pm drivetime slot, said on air between songs: “I think now actually is the best time to start looking at some cheap flights away to Turkey over the next few years.

“You can get your teeth done while you’re over there.

“You can come back looking 19 years, you’ll be on Love Island next year if you do it now.”

In a Twitter post Payne said “Hi guys, I want to address the comment I made last night on the show. It was insensitive and ill timed. I would never wish to offend anyone from my shows. My sincere and wholehearted apologies.”

The apology on Tuesday morning comes after denying he said “nothing of the sort” in response to a Twitter user yesterday.

His “insensitive” comments sparked fury among his audience, who are now calling for him to be sacked.

One person said: “Ant Payne needs removing after his insensitive vile comment.”

Another wrote: “Capital FM, are you seriously going to allow this shameful and heartless employer of yours, Ant Payne, to make jokes at the expense of children who died in the Turkey earthquake?”

Another replied: “We are burying our dead but Any Payne thinks it’s a good time for cheap flights to Turkey.

“Generations are lost, whole streets flattened, towns gone, lives are traumatised, but let’s get our teeth done.

“Capital FM, hell has a special place for you both.”

And Max Cam simply tweeted: “Sack him.”

Thousands of people including listeners and members of the Turkish-speaking communities have taken to social media to express their anger and many calling for him to be fired.

The death toll from the magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 quakes that struck nine hours apart on February 6 in southeastern Turkey and northern Syria has passed 37,000, and is certain to increase as search teams find more bodies.

Turkish television continued broadcasting rescues on Tuesday, as experts said the window to find survivors is closing.


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