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Day-Mer condemns Rwanda plan

Day-Mer condemns Rwanda plan

THE Turkish-Kurdish Solidarity Centre (Day-Mer) made a statement regarding the UK’s High Courts ruling that upheld the UK government’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda.

The statement shared by Day-Mer is as follows: “On December 19 in England, the high court ruled that the plan was legal, rejecting objections from the PC union and human rights organizations to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. It is expected that the PCS union and rights organizations Detention Action and Care4Calais will appeal the decision and an unpredictable appeal process will begin.

Going on to say“…The plan, carried out simultaneously with these laws, to prevent refugees from coming to a country where they can live a life without fear in a safe way, to set up camp in a reactionary country like Rwanda and be sent to this country; It is an inhuman, cruel and racist practice. The government, which is caught in the grip of the increase in the cost of living, the worsening of the living conditions of the workers and the strikes in many areas, is trying to divide the local and migrant workers with the immigrant card-like Rwanda.

“As Day-Mer, we condemn this inhuman, cruel and unlawful plan for refugees. The struggles of trade unions, human rights organizations and anti-racist institutions, which responded to this plan both legally and with actions, continue. As Day-Mer, we call on the workers of Turkish origin, who came here as immigrants and asylum seekers, to take part in this struggle against racist, chauvinistic and anti-immigrant laws and plans, especially the Rwanda plan, and to participate in the meetings, actions and demonstrations to be held.”


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