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‘Embodied Moments’ exhibition opens its doors

‘Embodied Moments’ exhibition opens its doors

THE Cypriot artist Sumer Erek’s held a private viewing with guests on November 23 ahead of the month-long exhibition of ‘Embodied Moments’ which runs until December 23 at Gallery Marquess.

London-based renowned Cypriot artist Erek is a multidisciplinary conceptual artist with extensive experience in public art installation, creating large-scale works and participatory projects.

Image: Aysun Çakmakkaya @isoonphoto

İlayda Uzunarslan one of the curators of the newest exhibition said, “The artist only glorifies our ordinary states of existence with a unique aesthetic approach. Describing poetism in the aesthetics of existence with plain lines, the artist begins to draw from a different point each time when ink and paper are brought together. He successfully captures the dynamism point of the body of the model in front of him, motion can be embodied on paper. The stationary points of the body, on the other hand, are animated by light and shadow. The lines that make the sounds heard in our still states push the viewer into a different awareness question… He clearly emphasized both the priorities of the artist and the moment of interaction of the viewer.”

image: Aysun Çakmakkaya @isoonphoto

Co-curator Engin Yenidunya said ” Sümer Erek, has been drawing the human body since the age of six, has drawn more than 500 models in the last 50 years, As his journey continues, looking at the drawings side by side, one notices an invisible thread that connects each sheet of paper to the other. As if we were to turn it, we would get an animation of the poses of the model. Sumer almost shoots videos of his models with brushstrokes and carves them onto the paper. We see their performances, feel their movements, and see their gaze. We’re catching.”

The gallery space, which has been transformed into an Artist’s workshop in the context of model-work activities that will take place during the exhibition, reveals the original and free attitude of the project. Sümer Erek invites art lovers in London to an exhibition experience that will include interactive and performative activities until December 23 at Gallery Marquess 14 Shepherd Market, Mayfair W1J 7QG (next door to Ye Grapes pub).


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