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Clegg confident over Labour challenge

Despite polls and local canvassing, deputy prime minister says he will hold his seat next year

Clegg confident over Labour challenge


Nick Glegg

Nick Glegg


Nick Clegg has dismissed claims by Labour that it could win his Sheffield Hallam seat in next year’s general election.

The Liberal Democrat leader won the constituency with more than half – 53% – of the vote in 2010, but Labour’s strategists reportedly believe he could be vulnerable because of his U-turn on tuition fees and the cancellation of a government loan for local firm Sheffield Forgemasters.

Tom Watson, Ed Miliband’s former election coordinator, told The Times Labour’s candidate Oliver Coppard had built up a formidable group of volunteers.

Labour MP Tom Watson, a former election coordinator for party leader Ed Miliband, said: “This seat is winnable for Labour. I have never encountered such animosity on the doorstep against an incumbent MP – particularly one as high-profile.

“There are two issues that come up time and again: his position on tuition fees and Sheffield Forgemasters, which has not been forgotten.”

But a spokesman for Mr Clegg told the Press Association: “Other than Tom Watson ostentatiously knocking on a couple of doors in Crookes one afternoon, we haven’t seen much evidence of Labour making progress in Sheffield Hallam.

“Labour are kidding themselves as much with this as they are with their shambolic economic policy.

“A total reliance on big money from the trade unions and nasty, personalised attacks are not going to win over the people of Sheffield Hallam.

“We look forward to any debate on the doorstep about the mess Labour left the country in and the Liberal Democrats record of a stronger economy; a fairer society and tax cuts for low and middle earners in Hallam.”

A poll in Sheffield Hallam last month by Tory peer Lord Ashcroft gave Mr Clegg a lead of only three points.


Tom Watson

Tom Watson



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