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Doruhan: The TRNC stand will reflect our country with a modern concept

Doruhan: The TRNC stand will reflect our country with a modern concept

WITH a month to go until the World Travel Market (WTM) London stands set to fill Excel once more to promote worldwide tourism companies.

Once again taking their stands North Cyprus and Turkey will also be at this year’s 3 days WTM event.

The Republic of Northern Cyprus’s (TRNC) UK Tourism and Promotion Coordinator Kadir Doruhan spoke with Londra Gazete ahead of the event which will be celebrated for the 43rd year this year at Excel.

“This year, approximately 5,000 companies from 182 countries will participate in the fair, which is expected to be visited by over 51,000 tourism professionals… major tour operators in the next year, tourism products (business, education, culture, health, travel and technology) in the same area to create an opportunity to be exhibited by professionals. Another feature of the fair is that it includes important events such as seminars, panels, and workshops organized within the fair and held on the status and future of the tourism sector, in which many sector professionals participate as speakers and audience.

“The TRNC stand will participate with a specially constructed stand on an approximate 159.5m2 stand area, meeting the N5 entrance door in the European and Mediterranean hall of the fairground this year, as it does every year. The stand, which was organized by the TRNC Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment, was planned to be introduced this year with posters reflecting the tourism of our country on a modern concept.”

While bringing a modern concept and introducing visits to some of the well-known traditions of North Cyprus such as Turkish Coffee and more will be taking place at the stand.


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