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TfL: ULEZ expansion raised less revenue than expected

TfL: ULEZ expansion raised less revenue than expected

The expansion of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) raised less income in its first month than expected, Transport for London (TfL) has said.

In October, the zone was widened out of central London, so drivers of more polluting vehicles have to pay a daily levy of £12.50 to drive within the North and South Circular roads.

Revenue from the first month of the new ULEZ came in at £16m, City Hall said.

A TfL performance report said the revenue was not what had been expected.

City Hall also revealed, in a response to a mayor’s question, that about 45,800 non-compliant vehicles paid the charge under the new expansion.

The number of roads covered in the new the 380-square-km (147-square-mile) area is about 18 times bigger than before October, and it is the largest scheme of its kind in Europe.

The expansion was part of Mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s drive to reduce air pollution in the capital.

Liberal Democrat Caroline Pidgeon asked Mr Khan in January how much money had been made in the first month since ULEZ was expanded.

On 25 March, he replied saying: “Transport for London advises that the revenue generated from these charges was £16m.”

Previously, a performance report published by TfL said the expansion had been “successful” but revenue was lower than anticipated.

“Londoners across the city can benefit from cleaner and healthier air as we continue actions to reduce pollution and help fight climate change,” it said.

“However, ULEZ income is lower than we had anticipated due to higher compliance.”

City Hall said in December that in the first month of the scheme, 92% of vehicles driving into the expanded ULEZ area were compliant with the new standards.

It said on an average day during the first month, 45,800 drivers paid the charge.

ULEZ Zones as of October 25, 2021

Greater London expansion 

Last month the mayor announced that the ULEZ zone will once again be expanded across all of Greater London by the end of next year

This will mean that drivers of more polluting vehicles will have to pay £12.50 a day to drive anywhere in the capital – effectively meaning only “clean” vehicles can drive within the M25 without paying the charge.

At a meeting on July 1, 2021 the Mayor said: “I have no plans to extend the ULEZ to outer London.

“In March I introduced tougher London-wide Low Emission Zone standards for buses, coaches and lorries.

“Combined with the ULEZ expansion in October, up to but not including the North and South Circular, this will ensure that 92 per cent of roads London-wide will comply with legal limits for NOby the end of 2021. Air quality on the remaining roads will be more effectively addressed through targeted, local measures. I believe that this strikes the right balance to deliver the biggest air quality improvements as quickly as possible.”

At the meeting he also said TfL was due to spend “between £120-£130m” by October including on “signs, cameras and back office systems needed to make the scheme operational”.




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