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TRNC plans to relax travel requirements

TRNC plans to relax travel requirements

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Higher Committee for Infectious Diseases has announced new planned changes to anyone entering the country.

Saying: “Rapid tests or Lateral Flow Tests (LFT) will also be sufficient for entry into the country. Persons who are fully vaccinated or who have recovered from Covid-19 will be allowed to enter the TRNC without the need for quarantine on the condition they present a negative PCR test carried out in the last 72 hours or a rapid test/LFT test carried out in the last 24 hours. While unvaccinated individuals will also be required to present a negative PCR test carried out in the last 72 hours or a rapid test/LFT carried out in the last 24 hours, such persons will be required to remain in quarantine for five days following entry.”

Adding that starting next month that a test will not be required before entry for anyone that has received their second vaccine within the last 9 months.

“As of March 1, 2022, people who have passed 14 days after their second vaccine (single dose for Johnson & Johnson) who have not exceeded nine months since completing their vaccination regiment will be allowed to enter the country without the need to present a negative PCR/rapid test.

“Fully vaccinated persons who have received a booster shot nine months (270 days) after their first two doses or single-dose vaccine (J&J) will also be exempt from the PCR/rapid test requirement.”

Starting for March 1, a 9 month period would mean any person that has received their second vaccine from May 30 2021 onwards.

Travellers that also have tested positive for covid within the last 6 months will also no need to have a test done “Persons who have recovered from Covid-19 will be allowed to enter the country without a PCR /rapid test requirement starting from the 10th day of testing positive for up to 180 days.”


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