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Mortuary abuser David Fuller victim says inquiry wait ‘not good enough’

Mortuary abuser David Fuller victim says inquiry wait ‘not good enough’

THE mother of a woman sexually abused by necrophiliac David Fuller says she has had “months of distress” waiting for an inquiry into his crimes.

Nevres Kemal’s daughter Azra Kemal was 24 when she died after falling from a motorway bridge in the dark as she fled her burning car.

She was one of at least 102 women and girls sexually assaulted after their deaths by double murderer Fuller, who worked as a hospital electrician.

Fuller beat and strangled Wendy Knell, 25, and Caroline Pierce, 20, to death before sexually assaulting them in two separate attacks in Tunbridge Wells, Kent in 1987.

He was handed a whole life sentence for the murders, with a concurrent 12-year term for his other crimes, in December 2021 after being arrested the year before.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid promised a full, independent inquiry into what happened, but Ms Kemal says it is not happening fast enough.

She said: “The Health Secretary has made a pledge to the families and we will hold him to that pledge.

“The families are already distressed, but the proposed chair of the inquiry has yet to get in touch with any of those most affected by this scandal.  They are Fuller’s victims too.

“In spite of the assurances given, we haven’t even got to first base yet after two further months of distress, waiting, and wondering. It is not good enough.”

An Azra Kemal Legal Internship Programme has been set up in her memory, saying it aims is to “give disadvantaged women the opportunity to succeed in the legal profession” and so far have been able to raise money to cover one internship and are looking to cover the second. To donate or find out more information visit;


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