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Dilek İncedal and Hasan Gül elected Enfield AKM Co-Chairs

Dilek İncedal and Hasan Gül elected Enfield AKM Co-Chairs

THE 2nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held by the Enfield Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi (EAKM), with a new co- presidency system introduced with the approval of the delegates. Dilek İncedal and Hasan Gül became the new Co-Chairs of EAKM.

On Sunday members of the EAKM came together the held at the British Alevi Federation (BAF) headquarters, with Chairman Israfil Erbil, former and new heads of Cemevis and representatives of a number of organizations attended the congress.

The congress started with a moment of silence for all the lives lost, especially those who fell to the ground in the Dersim genocide.

At the congress, in which the former president Zeynep Demir thanked the previous board members for their service, a new transition in the running the most important agenda item of the congress was the proposal for a decision on the establishment of an ‘equal presidency’ system. In the voting, it was decided to switch to the equal chairmanship system in EAKM with the approval of the delegates.

The new board of directors of Enfield Alevi Cultural Center, which will be managed with an equal presidential system, consists of co-chairs Dilek İncedal and Hasan Gul.

With board members made up of: Fatma Yıldırım Polat, Cuma Ülgü, Güneş Gören Erdoğan, Ergin Dursun, Gülperi Öntaş, Gülizar Karaoğlan, Özgür Korkmaz, Nadide Köroğlu, İnan Çiftçi, Özlem Şahin, Doğan Erdoğan, Hatice Fesli Ceylan, Timur Ulaş, Mustafa Akgöz, Sabit Kurnaz, İnan Gedik , Nurettin Doğan Caner, Zeynep Demir, İsrafil Erbil, Gülay Dalkılıç, Özlem Söylemez.

This year has also seen the England Alevi Cultural Centre (IAKM), move into a equal presidency system following the AGM held in October. With the transition to equal presidency after, saying it is aimed to create more democratic management models.



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