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SMA Baby Aybüke needs your help

SMA Baby Aybüke needs your help

The life of baby Aybüke Naz, who has SMA, depends on £2 million to be collected for gene therapy. Volunteers in England are calling for help for Baby Aybüke.

Aykbüke, who was born on November 8, 2020, was only two months old when her parents noticed that the movement in both legs decreased. Aykız was diagnosed with SMA when she was 4 months old. Hospitalized in May 2021 due to a high fever, had her heart stopped and subsequently lost her mobility or ability to breathe independently.

Volunteers in England called on all of the community to help towards the treatment of Aykız and added that they did their best to collect the treatment costs of the family.

SMA sadly has become well-known within the Turkish speaking community over the last few years. With each passing year more news and campaign started for children not only in the UK but from Turkey, Cyrus and across the world.  Donation campaigns are organized all over the world for the drug, which should be administered before the age of two and below a certain weight is described as “the most expensive treatment in the history of medicine”.

The 4.5-month-old daughter of Eyüphan and Leman Güneş couple living in Adana, has limited time left before she is no longer eligible for the treatment. Her mother Leman said, “As a mother, I want to stroke my daughter’s hair, not her grave”, called on everyone to participate in the donation campaign.

If you want to donate to Aykiz, you can do so on the GoFundMe page.


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