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Day-Mer share their support for Jeremy Corbyn

Day-Mer share their support for Jeremy Corbyn

FOLLOWING the former Labour leader suspended for the Labour party following his comments after the report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission on antisemitism had been published.

Mr Corbyn repeated that “one anti-Semite is too many”, but then said the number of complaints had been “exaggerated”. Following his comment, a Labour party statement was shared saying “In light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them subsequently, the Labour Party has suspended Jeremy Corbyn pending investigation.”

In a stand to show their support for the former leader Day-Mer shared statements emphasizing that Corbyn’s life has been spent with the struggle against racism, the following saying:  “We condemn the allegation of anti-Semitism and the political attacks and attempts initiated on the pretext of this accusation against Jeremy Corbyn, who has been fighting against racism all his life. Corbyn is the MP who has the most communication and relations with Turkish and Kurdish immigrant labourers living in the UK. Corbyn, an Islington Councillor, tried to help and support not only Turkish and Kurdish labourers in his constituency but also every final hearing, housing and immigration issues that knocked on his door. We know Corbyn, who was also the president of the British Anti-War Coalition for years, for his struggle and solidarity against racist attacks.

Jeremy has always shown in solidarity with Turkey and we will show solidarity with him. We will continue to stand by Jeremy Corbyn, who has not left us alone in our good and bad days and walked with us against racism, discrimination, austerity policies, privatizations, wars and occupations. ”



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