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North Cyprus set to enforce new measures as Covid-19 cases rise

North Cyprus set to enforce new measures as Covid-19 cases rise

The Republic of Northern Cyprus’s Supreme Council of Infectious Diseases has put forward 13 new measures as the country has seen a rise in new coronavirus cases.

13 new measures have been recommended following new travel measures announced over the weekend that ‘home quarantine’ for UK citizen with property on the island would no longer be allowed.

Today the recommendations call for schools not be opening until October, as well as closes to bars, beauty parlours, as well as gyms and restrictions placed on political rallies.

The board, which has the authority to implement the decisions, presented the list of decisions to the TRNC Minister of Health Ali Pilli who forwarding them onto TNRC Prime Minister Ersin Tatar.

A cabinet meeting is set to be held with ministers this evening for a decision to be made.

What are the recommended measures?

1- Complete closure of entertainment venues.

2- Closing the Beauty Parlous until October 1, 2020

3- Warning to all hairdressers and barbers to comply with the rules seriously or face closure found to be violated.

4- Massage parlours to be closed until 1 October 2020

5- Study, kindergarten, primary, secondary and higher education places not opened until October 01, except for private education centres that provide one-to-one service.

6- No birthdays, circumcision, engagement, funeral and religious weddings celebrations/gatherings to be held until October 1, 2020

7- Closing of playgrounds and parks until October 1, 2020

8- Training and sports competitions should not be held until October 1, 2020

9- Closing of nightclubs until October 1, 2020

10- Closing taverns/bars until October 1, 2020

11. Closing of sports halls/ gyms until October 1, 2020

12- Closing the casinos until October 1, 2020

13- Cancellation of election rallies and meetings, programs to be televised should only hold 50 people in space of 200 square meters or more, max 30 people in places between 100-200 square meters, max 20 people in places 50-100 square meters, 50 square meters or less will be limited to max 10 people.

These new measures come after it announced on over the weekend that ‘home quartine’ for UK travellers with property arriving in North Cyprus has been removed and anyone in category B countries, including Turkey and the UK will have to carry out a7 day quarantine period under government supervision.

Students studying in Turkish Cypriot universities will too be quarantined for seven days upon their arrival. The new travel measure will be reviewed on September 20.


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