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Haringey and Enfield strikes top 36 areas where Covid-19 cases are rising

Haringey and Enfield strikes top 36 areas where Covid-19 cases are rising

OFFICIAL figures underline that thirty-six constituencies in England have seen a spark in coronavirus cases increasing over the past two weeks.

Figures show Leicester to marking the top of the chart whilst Haringey is listed as 11th and Enfield listed 23rd of the top areas where Covid-19 is on the rise again.

The Turkish speaking community in particular is known to live in these two areas.

Thirty-six authorities in England have seen a spike in coronavirus cases over the past fortnight, official figures show as Leicester was confirmed to become the UK’s first area to be hit by a ‘local lockdown’.

Data compiled by Public Health England (PHE) shows a rise of 2 new cases in Haringey from June 13 -19 and 6 new cases between the dates of June 20 -26.

Moreover, in Enfield new cases from June 13 -19 are noted to be 3 and 4 new cases between the dates of June 20 -26.

The thirty-six areas in England which have seen an increase in coronavirus cases are the following areas: Havering, Wiltshire, Wandsworth, Gloucestershire, Doncaster, Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, Plymouth, Westminster, Barking and Dagenham, Haringey, Milton Keynes, Wakefield, Walsall, Brent, Medway, Hounslow, Harrow, Kensington and Chelsea, Slough, Suffolk, Tower Hamlets, Enfield, Redbridge, Sandwell, Derbyshire, Leicester, Gateshead, Isle of Wight, Redcar and Cleveland, Richmond Upon Thames, Sunderland, Wigan, Windsor, and Maidenhead and York.

In comparison, Leicester has recorded a 5 percent jump in cases – going from 39 cases registered between June 13-19 to 41 in the following seven-day spell. Leicester actually had the smallest percentage jump week-on-week out of the local authorities where cases have risen, according to government statistics.

It comes after Matt Hancock confirmed on 29 June that Leicester – a city in the East Midlands home to 330,000 people – would face a two-week lockdown extension. Furious residents blamed ‘idiots’ in the city for not sticking to social distancing.


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