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TRNC Prime Minister: “Turkish Cypriots living abroad are now a political force”


The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Prime Minister Ersin Tatar, who came to the UK for the second time in the last three months, made many contacts within the scope of his intense pace visit plan.

The Prime Minister first visited the Cambridge University campus upon a special invitation Cambridge Mayor Gerri Bird presented a special plaque to the TRNC Prime Minister and he visited many departments, such as classrooms, dormitories and dining halls, where he studied during his student years.

Tatar said that he started his education at Cambridge University in 1979 and studied economics at this university 38 years ago saying “It was nostalgic for me to come here again.”

Tatar continues his contact on Tuesday, met with Turkey’s Ambassador Umit Yalcin London. Yalçın welcomed Tatar, who went to official residence with the accompanying delegation. In the afternoon Tatar contacts held at the British parliament on Tuesday as part of his ongoing connections in London. Tatar met separately on Tuesday with former Conservative leader Sir Ian Duncan Smith, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party Paul Scully and MP Sir David Amess.

Speaking to the TAK news agency, Tatar described his meetings as productive. He said that the UK’s status had changed with Brexit and that they had plans to take steps aimed at turning this situation to the advantage of Turkish Cypriots.

He stressed that the political circles in the UK had started to acknowledge the realities on the island and were no longer referring to a reunified Cyprus. “…The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also highlights the need to solve the problem of direct flights. The British government is also supporting the idea of a ‘negotiated settlement’. No one is talking about reunification anymore,” he said.

On Tuesday night Tatar met with Turkish Cypriots living in the UK ant an event open to the public. At the event organised by the National Unity Party London Branch he emphasising the importance of Turkish Cypriots living abroad saying, “Turkish Cypriots living abroad are now a political force.”

Tatar noted that the necessary studies have been initiated to give citizens the right to vote and be elected abroad. He also highlighted the strategic importance of the TRNC, Tatar said that this has increased with the importance of natural gas and that studies should continue for the development of TRNC.

Tatar later answered the questions raised by the members of the public who attended and after took time to meet and have pictures taken.

A private dinner was also held in the House of Lords as part of his UK visit. Tatar attended a 20-person dinner with the Northern Cyprus Friends Group in the House of Lords on Wednesday night, February 12.




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