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İTDF to celebrate the 96th years of the Republic 

THE Federation of Turkish Associations UK (İTDF), have organizing their annual Republic Ball marking their candle for the Sunday 27 October at the Grand Palace Banqueting Suite in Wood Green, North London to celebrate the 96th of Turkey’s Republic Day on the 29 October.

President Jale Özer said: “We celebrate the anniversary, to perpetuate the democratic and modern Republic of Turkey, the dignity of all our citizens carrying Ataturk and patriotism in the hearts of enthusiasm and look forward to our big meeting which will take place the evening of October 27th to live in excitement – “One day my humble body will be earth. However, Turkey will stand forever”. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk”

The annual ball is expected to fill with hundreds of people coming together to celebrate and enjoy the entertainment, with music and food along with drinks included tickets are £42.00, for more information about the Ball and to get a ticket you can email .

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