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Tuncer Tonun once again graces the runway

Tuncer Tonun once again graces the runway

YOUNG designer Tuncer Tonun, who was awarded Britain’s top designer award in the UK with his collection ‘The Secret behind the curtains’  in February, has received acclaim in London with his collection about nature carnage and forest fires.

Tuncer Tonun participated in the Fashions Finest fashion show organized as part of London Fashion Week with his collection ‘The Birth of The Goddess’.

At the fashion show held at the Congress Center in London, the young fashion designer prepared a collection of green and earth tones.

The collection is made up of 11 pieces which were exhibited, the successful fashion designer also used vetch and dry trees. In the fashion show where water and bird sounds in nature are used as music, Ney tunes drew attention. The young fashion designer said that he wanted to create Mevlana breezes with the turbans on the heads of the models.

While designing the clothes, he continued that the fires continued in the Amazon and he was impressed by this.

Tuncer said about the collection: “While making these designs, the Amazon forests started to burn. The carnage in the Kaz Mountains and the fires in Izmir also inspired me. In this collection, I equated women and nature. I believe that both have power and power to destroy. I used mostly poison green and earth tones in my designs. The power of nature dominates with poison green and the earth and green are integrated. Nature shows a great awakening to the mother earth. If you don’t show enough love to woman and nature, she may suffocate you with hatred. If we don’t take our hands off of nature, she will avenge us one day. ’


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