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Funeral ceremony was held for Tugay Hurman


FORMER Alevi Cultural Center and Cemevi (IAKM) President Tugay Hurman lost his life on Friday 26 July.

The funeral took place on Tuesday (July 30th) at the Alevi Cultural Center in England and Cemevi (IAKM Cemevi) in Wood Green.

He has been active in the IAKM Cemevi since 2009 when he served as the 19th and 20th term cemevi president.

Hurman, originally from the village of Badre of Avsin in Kahramanmaraş, was born in Nuremberg, Germany. He, who was loved and respected by all, was married and had three children.

Hurman, who was diagnosed with Melanoma, skin cancer, was in St. Petersburg. He was being treated at Bartholomew’s Hospital. 45-year-old Hurman, who had been treated in the same hospital for more than 2 months, was announced to have died on Friday, July 26.

Many people attended the funeral ceremony held at the IAKM Cemevi for Tugay Hurman. At the ceremony attended by people from all walks of life, a video was prepared in memory of Hurman.

Ecem Hurman babasına veda konuşmasıyla yürekleri dağladı

Before the funeral ceremony, Hurman’s daughter Ecem and his brother Savas came to the podium and made short speeches.

After kissing her father’s coffin, Ecem started her speech and branded the hearts. “I would die for you my father, without you it is so hard. While we dreamed of walking with you on good days, you walked to God, my father. I will take good care of my siblings in your absence; my mother too. And I will love them so much.

I will try to make all the dreams we have with you. I will set an example for my siblings, and we will be successful girls as you wish. You’ll always be in our hearts. We love you very, very much! ”

Following his nieces, Savaş Hurman said, “Dear souls, you have come here today and have shared our pain; you have helped us alleviate our pain a little, we thank you very much. I will read a farewell letter on behalf of Tugay Hurman…”

After the speeches, he studied three lamentations. After the mourning read by Cemevi grandfather, the body of Tugay Hurman was taken to in Lavender Hill Cemetery in Enfield for the burial and where he lay in his final resting place.


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