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The 4th West London Turkish Festival’s big celebration


The 4th West London Turkish Festival was held on Sunday 7 July, the event which is organized by the West London Turkish volunteers saw thousands of people enjoy all the festival had to offer.

The festival took place in Feltham, west London and saw crowds of people attending the event, all enjoying the entertainment and actives organised for the day.

Celebrating their fourth year the festival with the colourful event, with music, sports tournaments, the craft stalls showcasing traditional Turkish handicrafts, folk dancing performances and actives for children to plays. To traditional Turkish cuisines, Turkish coffee, desserts, pastries and many more tasty bites, the festival had endless choices available for everyone to enjoy the day.

Musicians and artists performed at the festival Turkish music and songs by Neslihan Cakir, Hakan Bozdag and Bilal Diyenli along with stage performances from Hounslow Turkish Academy.

Each year has seen the festival growth big and bigger with taking their place in the summer calendar, the West London Festival has been a hub for the members of the Turkish speaking community living in London and creates new relationships with a great diversity of people from all parts of the communities in London.

A number of the people that attended were from different backgrounds and religions and all ages where at the festival, learning and embracing the festival’s celebrations.  Special guests that also attended the event were MP) Seema Malhotra, Mayor of Hounslow London Borough Samia Chaudhary, Leader of the Council Steve Curran and Representative of the Turkish Consulate and Turkish Embassy Gulcan Okcun.

In a statement shared by the organisers, it said “The 4th West London Turkish Festival, one of the largest Turkish festivals in the UK, organised by the West London Turkish Volunteers took place yesterday. Thousands of guests from all parts of the diverse communities enjoyed delicious Turkish food, great Turkish music, stage performances, Turkish arts and much more. We would like to thank all our guests for joining us and being part of the festival bringing all parts of the diverse local communities together.”


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