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Big celebrations at the ‘Luton TurkFest’


The Luton Turkfest was held in Stockwood Park in Luton, England on Sunday 30 June.

Luton Turkish Education and Culture Center Ahmed Ziyauddini Gümüshanevi Mosque, Luton Weekend Turkish School and along with Luton council all helped to organise this year’s Luton for the third time this year.

The festival was organized with the aim of fusing among the communities and introducing Turkish culture. Opening the festival was a reading from the Holy Quran was given at the festival program.

This then followed with Turkish and British national anthems played in a show of unity this was then finished off with releasing of pigeons in a message of peace. Turkish cuisine and traditional dishes were introduced at the festival, which was held within the framework of Turkish Culture, and met with the participants of the festival.

Director of the London Yunus Emre Institute Mehmet Karakuş, Lord Bill Mckenzie, Luton council officials and councillors and many Turkish citizens from Luton and across the UK and foreign visitors attended the festival.

The festival Mehter Anthem, Turkish folk dances, horse sporumuz while wrestling tournaments, People’s Poet in Turkey to join the Kul Nuri gave a magnificent concert.

Luton Turkish Education and Culture Center Ahmed Ziyauddini Gümüshanevi mosque imam Hakkı Dinçer, the association choir composed of members of the association choir sang popular tunes and marches.

In the festival, the character costumes of the players of the series Diriliş Ertuğrul were introduced and the souvenir photos of the visitors were taken.

The number of children that study at the association read the hymns and theatrical performances with great acclaim. Hand-woven products attracted attention in the stands where products reflecting Ottoman and Turkish culture were sold.


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