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Day-Mer youth went on a camp trip

Members of the Day-Mer youth, join this half term the youth camp finished off their break with a trip to Chessington Adventure Park, on Saturday 21 April.

The group posted that their camp had finished and they were returning to London, posting: “… This campfire is not an end, but an acceleration that will energize the flowing future from the field of youth!”

The Youth camp has been a part of the Day-Mer youth’s actives for many years, bring together its youth to learn more about its past, present and future. The camp consists of many events, activities and outings put together, from visiting theme park, mountain biking, different types of dancing, performing, sports and many more entraining and learning skills.

Creating a new environment for members to connect and learn and also talk about the problem young people face living in London its surrounding neighbourhoods like family problems, education problems, bullying. The camp creates a safe environment giving the youth not just a time of fun actives during the school holidays but a place where they can learn and confined in.

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