ENFIELD Council leader Nesil Çalışkan met with the chair and members of Southgate Rotary Club.
Enfield Council leader Nesil Çalışkan and Southgate Rotary Club members, who came together on Monday, February 11th in The Jolly Farmers Restaurant in Enfield, started their meeting with a lunch.
At the meeting, the leader of the council, Çalışkan, gave information about the development of the Enfield region and the plans related to the region. Speaking about the plans to be implemented for the development of Enfield council, Çalışkan was followed by Enver Kannur, Chair of Rotary Club.
Enver Kannur, Chair of Rotary Club and members of the club, exchanged information with the council leader Çalışkan.
Çalışkan explained that she was elected in May last year and was proud to be the very first BME women leader of a council in the whole of England.
She also gave a passionate speech about the issues facing the Borough and her future leadership plans for improving the lives of its residents.
These covered, funding shortfalls, planning issues, housing shortages, and revitalising shopping areas.
A lively Q&A session followed and members very much appreciated the lively presentation and Cllr. Çalışkan’s clear visionary plans for the future.