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Canary Wharf: 2 people fall to their death in less the 24 hours

Canary Wharf: 2 people fall to their death in less the 24 hours

A two people have died within 24 hours from each other.

A man believed to be in his 50s has fallen from a height Canary Wharf’s shopping center has died. This is the second person to have fallen to the death within the center of Canary Wharf within a short period of time.

A Met Police spokeswoman said: “Police were called at 8.44am by the London Ambulance Service to reports of a man who had fallen from height in Canada Square.

“Officers, the London Ambulance Service and London’s Air Ambulance attended. The man, believed to be aged in his 50s, was pronounced dead at the scene at 9.05am.”

Monday afternoon saw a person has died after falling from an escalator in one of the UK’s busiest commuter stations, the emergency services have said. The incident took place in Canary Wharf station in London Docklands.

Police have given no information about the person who died and said they were working to inform their relatives on Monday evening.

Officers from British Transport Police said the incident happened at about 3pm. “Colleagues from the London ambulance service also attended. However, a person was sadly pronounced dead at the scene … This incident is not currently being treated as suspicious and a file will be prepared for the coroner.”

A London ambulance service spokeswoman said: “We were called at 2.57pm today to reports of an incident at Canary Wharf underground station. We sent a number of resources including an ambulance crew, a paramedic in a car, an incident response officer, and we also dispatched London’s air ambulance.

“Sadly, despite the efforts of our medics, a person died at the scene.”



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